Grade Availability
Information for current students
Grades are not official until the instructor submits them to the campus registrar’s office at the end of the quarter. This applies to all courses including concentrated courses and courses with irregular schedules. Please see the Academic Calendar for the date grades are available to students.
Once grades are available, you can view them in RaPS or SISWEB.
Grade, Registration and Payment Information for Reimbursement
You may need to use both RaPS and MyBill for reimbursement documentation. RaPS provides registration and grades. MyBill provides payment information.
Grade and Registration information is in RaPS. Select the Grade and Reg. Letter tab, and follow the prompts. This produces registration information (as well as grades at the end of the quarter) on GSM letterhead.
Payment information is available through MyBill.
If you need a customized grade and registration letter, please email your program manager.
Grade Change/Incomplete Grade Change Timeline
If a grade change or incomplete grade change is submitted on your behalf, this change must be initiated by the instructor. When the instructor has made the change (assigned grade for an incomplete or changed a grade), the student will be notified of the change.